Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Beginning

I have been into photography for several years now.  I never really got into it for monetary reasons.  It has, and will always, be something I do for therapeutic reasons.  It has always been my way of expressing that creative side of myself and a way to take my mind off of things when necessary.  I'm not the most verbal person in the world.  I think that is obvious by the lack of consistent blog posts.  Photography is a way for me to express myself when I lack the words, or the ability, to actually say something.

Over the past weekend, my wife and I got away.  Well by getaway I mean I was able to tag along with her on one of her out of town art shows.  There were three photographers setup at this show.  I admired all of their work.  They certainly deserved to be there.  It got me to thinking about selling prints of my own work.  Now mind you, I have thought about this before.  There have been several times I have said I thought I could be at one of those shows.  Then of course I always back off of that way of thinking.  I am my own worst critic and I have this horrible fear of failure/rejection.  I love my work, but what if others don't?  What if no one wants to buy anything I have?  These are the types of questions that nag at me and hold me back.

As all of these thoughts buzzed through my head, I had pulled out my phone and was about to look over my flickr stream one of Christina's friends came over.  She started talking about various things and the subject of my photography came up.  She was a fan of my work and discussed a few opportunities with me.  Then another friend of Christina's joined in and then it became a major push between the three of them.  They all encouraged me a lot.  I'm not going to lie; the thought of it all terrified me.

Since the show, I scoured my flickr page and pulled what I felt were the best of my images.  Tonight I started a facebook page for my photography.  Starting tonight, I am selling prints of my photography for those interested.  JWB Photography is officially here.  I thank everyone for their support, encouragement, guidance, and most of all pushing me to do this.  It means a lot.

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